By: Komang Adit M Putra

SMA Katolik Giovanni Kupang


Many people around the world cannot live without internet. It is a phenomenon that happens nowadays. Gadgets have turned into ‘friend’ because they are always with us anytime and anywhere under any circumstances. Gadget relates to the internet. It becomes very important and can’t be separated from human beings. 

People use it for communicating and finding information. It also used in any aspect of life to ease human in working. However, does it bring positive impacts or negative impacts for human? Well, it depends on how we relate to it.


Some people feel that it positively affect them while the others feel different. Teenagers as the most users of internet, looking to the internet for help when they can’t find the answers to their school assignments. The others rely on it for spending their leisure time to scroll the social media or just playing some online games. 


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Some use for communication since they have far away friends or stay away from parents. Exchange information to maintain the relationship is important for them. The other users use because they have different personality from others people. They prefer to use it because they cannot stand for face to face communication with others.


Acknowledgment from others around for existence is needed from certain people. That’s why they always on social media and post pictures or videos about their selves in any activities. They believe that recognition from their followers is precious for their life. Day by day they will become more creative to improve their selves and get many likes. 

This condition become popular since it earns money. Then, it will develop to online business. It’s an easier way to get money without hard working. You just need willingness, time and patiently.  Based on those explanations and examples, it can be assumed that those users will believe it positively affected them.


What about the negative impacts of it? Of course, it has. People believe that life must in balance. There is good and bad things of what we have done. Human as social creature needs other people to talk with directly or just be in a period of time. No need internet or media to deal with. 

If those positive impact against the basic life of human as a social life, it means that it brings negative impact for human. No face to face communication will destroy human relationship and people will find difficult to express ideas or feelings directly or orally. 

It seems that not too bad, but many criminal happens because of this condition. Being too long to get other recognition for your self is too much and against other rights. People on that condition, sometimes get stressed and cannot control their life. Slowly but sure, they hurt their own selves. 

So, are they happy? Let’s believe that they are in phase of getting out from that horrible situation. People around should help them and manage time to see and talk with people face to face must be done to get back to the line.


Does the changing of the world will also change the human too? It’s a simple question but we need to observe ourselves and the environment. Let’s make it balance in every aspect. Change our mind set is important but never change your basic needs as a human. Make this world and all of its changing as a comfortable place and condition to stay healthy and safe.


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