Alvin Robert Laukamang*

If you wish to find thing, search well and willingly. This saying is suit to what happen around us. The presence of internet eases people life in communicating and finding information. People use internet for many reasons. One of them is in education system. The purpose of internet is in teaching and learning process. For each student, they use different sites to help them learn but ultimately they all use the internet to improve their grades.

Due to the Covid 19 era, online method using the internet is used to replace the teaching and learning at school. This phenomena helps students to be more competent is using internet for learning. Besides that, internet is also useful for students to support their learning at home. If student don’t understand well the materials taught by teacher, they could get more knowledge from various sources from the internet. Before using the information, students must be careful to the correctness and appropriateness of it. They can ask the teacher or parents about it.

The digital learning is very famous lately. Students and teachers in any ages are involved in this condition. Learning process will be more fun and meaningful for the students. The use of social media in sharing and releasing the result of learning is important for the improving of the students and the school. Sharing, communication and socializing happen in this phase. Students’ learning circle becomes wider. They are not only self-focused but already involve many aspects of life. Critical thinking must be displayed as evidence that their character is also improved.

Teachers, as the facilitator or ‘partner’ for the students in learning should concern on this situation. Awareness of the importance of using the internet should be felt by teachers in any field. Internet helps teachers by providing lot of useful information and materials which can be used in teaching process. 

Teaching and learning process is no longer perceived as difficult but more enjoyable due to the utilization of more varied and interesting learning resources with the help of the internet. Many teachers share their material on various sites and easily accessed by anyone who interested in it, not only by other teachers but also the students. This not only improves teachers’ ability to synthesize knowledge but also their skills in operating the technological tools that are currently in use.

In conclusion, learning will be much more enjoyable and meaningful if all parties involved strive for it in an appropriate and efficient way. Teachers and students must be solid learning partners in order to achieve the goal of education itself.

Alvin Robert Laukamang
SMA katolik Giovanni Kupang


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